This plant relied on EBI’s emergency response team for expedited tech rep analysis and repair after they experienced excessive damage caused by a grounding failure. Once onsite, EBI collected the information needed to put together a complete refurbishment and repair plan to bring the system back to safe and operatable condition.
Scope of Work:
- Replaced conductor adapters and 90-degree conductor ends in generator bushing boxes
- Replaced the A-Phase seal-off between the busing box and the air crossover
- Replaced the dust caps, reinstalled the upper boot flange, and installed new bellows
- Cleaned and painted the inside of the bushing boxes
- Installed new braids, torqued, and DLRO tested
- Completed an as-left Hi-Pot testing on all 3 phases of the IPB
- Installed air cooling piping for the generator doghouse
- Installed new IR windows, provided by the plant on the side of the bushing boxes to view the braid connections
- Replaced the damaged IR window on the A-Phase access cover
If your plant experiences an unexpected bus duct malfunction or failure, be sure to call EBI first. EBI’s ability to expedite quality fabrication and repair services is second to none and we are available 24/7/365 to address your needs! Contact us at 877-297-0616.
Project Details
Plant Type: | Coal |
Plant Size: | 1,389 MW |
Plant Location: | Nebraska |
EBI Job # | 3635 |
"Frequent interaction with foreman and crew was always a positive and productive dialog. Foreman was prompt in raising issues that needed plant involvement for resolution. All email communication was efficient, timely and effective. We look forward to future projects with EBI."
John L.
System Engineer